2 //          Copyright Ahmet Sait Koçak 2020.
3 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 //    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5 //          https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7 module bindbc.hb.bind.deprecated_;
9 version(HB_with_deprecated):
11 import bindbc.hb.bind.buffer;
12 import bindbc.hb.bind.common;
13 import bindbc.hb.bind.font;
14 import bindbc.hb.bind.set;
15 import bindbc.hb.bind.unicode;
17 deprecated:
18 extern(C) @nogc nothrow:
20 /**
21  * SECTION:hb-deprecated
22  * @title: hb-deprecated
23  * @short_description: Deprecated API
24  * @include: hb.h
25  *
26  * These API have been deprecated in favor of newer API, or because they
27  * were deemed unnecessary.
28  **/
35 alias hb_font_get_glyph_func_t = int function (
36     hb_font_t* font,
37     void* font_data,
38     hb_codepoint_t unicode,
39     hb_codepoint_t variation_selector,
40     hb_codepoint_t* glyph,
41     void* user_data);
43 version(BindHB_Static)
44     void hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func (
45         hb_font_funcs_t* ffuncs,
46         hb_font_get_glyph_func_t func,
47         void* user_data,
48         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
49 else
50 {
51     private alias fp_hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func = void function (
52         hb_font_funcs_t* ffuncs,
53         hb_font_get_glyph_func_t func,
54         void* user_data,
55         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
56     __gshared fp_hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func;
57 }
59 version(BindHB_Static)
60     void hb_set_invert (hb_set_t* set);
61 else
62 {
63     private alias fp_hb_set_invert = void function (hb_set_t* set);
64     __gshared fp_hb_set_invert hb_set_invert;
65 }
67 /**
68  * hb_unicode_eastasian_width_func_t:
69  *
70  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
71  */
72 alias hb_unicode_eastasian_width_func_t = uint function (
73     hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
74     hb_codepoint_t unicode,
75     void* user_data);
77 /**
78  * hb_unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func:
79  * @ufuncs: a Unicode function structure
80  * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified):
81  * @user_data:
82  * @destroy:
83  *
84  *
85  *
86  * Since: 0.9.2
87  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
88  **/
89 version(BindHB_Static)
90     void hb_unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func (
91         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
92         hb_unicode_eastasian_width_func_t func,
93         void* user_data,
94         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
95 else
96 {
97     private alias fp_hb_unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func = void function (
98         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
99         hb_unicode_eastasian_width_func_t func,
100         void* user_data,
101         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
102     __gshared fp_hb_unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func hb_unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func;
103 }
105 /**
106  * hb_unicode_eastasian_width:
107  *
108  * Since: 0.9.2
109  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
110  **/
111 version(BindHB_Static)
112     uint hb_unicode_eastasian_width (
113         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
114         hb_codepoint_t unicode);
115 else
116 {
117     private alias fp_hb_unicode_eastasian_width = uint function (
118         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
119         hb_codepoint_t unicode);
120     __gshared fp_hb_unicode_eastasian_width hb_unicode_eastasian_width;
121 }
123 /**
124  * hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility_func_t:
125  * @ufuncs: a Unicode function structure
126  * @u: codepoint to decompose
127  * @decomposed: address of codepoint array (of length %HB_UNICODE_MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LEN) to write decomposition into
128  * @user_data: user data pointer as passed to hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func()
129  *
130  * Fully decompose @u to its Unicode compatibility decomposition. The codepoints of the decomposition will be written to @decomposed.
131  * The complete length of the decomposition will be returned.
132  *
133  * If @u has no compatibility decomposition, zero should be returned.
134  *
135  * The Unicode standard guarantees that a buffer of length %HB_UNICODE_MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LEN codepoints will always be sufficient for any
136  * compatibility decomposition plus an terminating value of 0.  Consequently, @decompose must be allocated by the caller to be at least this length.  Implementations
137  * of this function type must ensure that they do not write past the provided array.
138  *
139  * Return value: number of codepoints in the full compatibility decomposition of @u, or 0 if no decomposition available.
140  *
141  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
142  */
143 alias hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility_func_t = uint function (
144     hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
145     hb_codepoint_t u,
146     hb_codepoint_t* decomposed,
147     void* user_data);
149 /**
151  *
152  * See Unicode 6.1 for details on the maximum decomposition length.
153  *
154  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
155  */
156 enum HB_UNICODE_MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LEN = 18 + 1; /* codepoints */
158 /**
159  * hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func:
160  * @ufuncs: a Unicode function structure
161  * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified):
162  * @user_data:
163  * @destroy:
164  *
165  *
166  *
167  * Since: 0.9.2
168  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
169  **/
170 version(BindHB_Static)
171     void hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func (
172         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
173         hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility_func_t func,
174         void* user_data,
175         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
176 else
177 {
178     private alias fp_hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func = void function (
179         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
180         hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility_func_t func,
181         void* user_data,
182         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
183     __gshared fp_hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func;
184 }
186 version(BindHB_Static)
187     uint hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility (
188         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
189         hb_codepoint_t u,
190         hb_codepoint_t* decomposed);
191 else
192 {
193     private alias fp_hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility = uint function (
194         hb_unicode_funcs_t* ufuncs,
195         hb_codepoint_t u,
196         hb_codepoint_t* decomposed);
197     __gshared fp_hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility;
198 }
200 alias hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning_func_t = int function ();
202 /**
203  * hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func:
204  * @ffuncs: font functions.
205  * @func: (closure user_data) (destroy destroy) (scope notified):
206  * @user_data:
207  * @destroy:
208  *
209  *
210  *
211  * Since: 0.9.2
212  * Deprecated: 2.0.0
213  **/
214 version(BindHB_Static)
215     void hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func (
216         hb_font_funcs_t* ffuncs,
217         hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning_func_t func,
218         void* user_data,
219         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
220 else
221 {
222     private alias fp_hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func = void function (
223         hb_font_funcs_t* ffuncs,
224         hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning_func_t func,
225         void* user_data,
226         hb_destroy_func_t destroy);
227     __gshared fp_hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func;
228 }
230 version(BindHB_Static)
231     hb_position_t hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning (
232         hb_font_t* font,
233         hb_codepoint_t top_glyph,
234         hb_codepoint_t bottom_glyph);
235 else
236 {
237     private alias fp_hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning = hb_position_t function (
238         hb_font_t* font,
239         hb_codepoint_t top_glyph,
240         hb_codepoint_t bottom_glyph);
241     __gshared fp_hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning;
242 }